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BioHellas - certificate is the international "Wholesale-Broker" for green companies, green products and environmental services...

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BioHellas - certificate

Inspection Institute for Organic Products “BIOHellas” was founded in 2001 and was approved by the Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food as Inspection and Certification body for organic products (European Union code GR-BIO-03).

In 2002 it was accredited by the National Accreditation System (ESYD) according to ELOT EN 45011/ISO 65 Standard as an Inspection Body able to certify organic products.

In 2009 BIOHellas was accredited by USDA as an Inspection Body able to certify organic products according to NOP Regulation (crops – handling-livestock).

BIO Hellas is an official certification body in Bulgaria with the code BG-BIO-10 and an approved certification body in Moldova.

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