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Soil Association - certificate is the international "Wholesale-Broker" for green companies, green products and environmental services...

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Soil Association - certificate

Soil Association-Certification Ltd is the largest in the UK organic certification body responsible for certifying more than 80% of all organic products sold in the country. Since 1973 our team has developed extensive experience and provide superior support before, during and after certification.
In the Soil Association was founded in 1946 by a group of farmers, scientists and nutritionists who observed a direct connection between farming practice and plants, animal health and the environment.

Today the Soil Association is a leading organic organization in the UK, with over 200 employees based in Bristol and Edinburgh and certified inspectors throughout the country. Director of the Soil Association is Helen Browning, who reports to the Board of Trustees.

You can expect something so important to be organized and supported by the government. But in reality Soil Association is a charity relying on donations and support of its members and the public to carry out their work.
Soil Association is probably the most famous and most comprehensive standards for organic production and processing in the world.
Our standards not only meet the minimum requirements of the British government, but in many areas are higher. This is especially true with animal welfare (eg, poultry) and use of pesticides and fertilizers.
We also developed standards for areas not covered by government or EU regulations. They include conservation, fisheries, textiles, health and beauty care products.

Our standards are under constant review to keep them up to date and to address new issues and trends. To do this we created a number of independent committees on standards. These committees are composed of our members and licensees, researchers, consultants and other experts in their field.
Commission shall consider proposals and amendments to standards and advise us on other political issues. Their recommendations are distributed to all members and licensees for konsultatsiya.Okonchatelnoto decision will be taken by our elected council. This rigorous and open process ensures that standards remain high, but achievable.


country: England
city: Bristol


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- certification organization