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SGS - certificate is the international "Wholesale-Broker" for green companies, green products and environmental services...

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SGS - certificate

Our world-leading certification services enable you to demonstrate that your products, processes, systems or services are compliant with national and international regulations and standards. We can help you gain the necessary certification you need to trade in your target markets, giving you, and your customers, the assurance you need – anywhere in the world.

A link to our Terms and Conditions can be found at the foot of all SGS website pages. Our complaints and appeals procedures are detailed in sections 19 and 20 of the company’s Codes of Practice document, which you will find on the Terms and Conditions page.
Maximize the value of your audit and certification programs with the SGS Client Portal.

Access and manage information about audit and certification programs and keep up to date with all the related documentation.

What they do:


Additional Information

  • trademark:  SGS   / Switzerland /
Total Views: 2729

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