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IEC - certificate

Global reach

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) members come from all around the world. While each member is different, they do have one thing in common: all of them represent the entire range of electrotechnical interests in their country, companies and businesses, industry associations, educational bodies, governmental and regulatory bodies, for example. All stakeholders are brought together through the country’s member National Committee.

The IEC also reaches out to newly industrializing countries through its Affiliate Country Programme and, when added together with the members, they bring the spread of the IEC family across more than 97% of the world's population.

The IEC also cooperates with several international, regional and national partners to produce joint publications, help promote the importance of standardization around the world and to coordinate any potential overlaps in work.


What we do


The International Electrotechnical Commission is the leading global organization that publishes consensus-based International Standards and manages conformity assessment systems for electric and electronic products, systems and services, collectively known as electrotechnology.

IEC publications serve as a basis for national standardization and as references when drafting international tenders and contracts.

Download our brochure Welcome to the IEC and watch our video the world of the IEC.

Statutes & Procedures

The IEC Statutes and Rules of Procedure is the governing document of the IEC. It details the rights and obligations of the member National Committees, the IEC Officers and the different IEC management boards.

The Directives outline the procedures of the IEC's technical work, including the rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards.


Every day dedicated experts are thinking about how electrotechnical products, systems and services can be designed, manufactured, operated and disposed of in a way that protects the world. All IEC International Standards and CA (Conformity Assessment) activities work toward achieving a minimal impact on the environment and an optimal use of resources.

IEC International Standards and its CA activities also address the substances and processes used in the manufacture of electrotechnical equipment and systems. Commonly referred to as "hazardous substance" these are elements or compounds which can have serious consequences on the environment or human well-being. IEC expertise is being used by government regulatory authorities around the world to ensure that the optimal solutions are put in place to manage these substances.

It is predicted that a large percentage of electrical energy will be produced by renewable sources in the future. Large-scale use of renewable energy is important as it helps reduce dependence on fossil fuels, combat global warming and raise the living standards of people in developing countries. IEC International Standards help these technologies become marketable. They provide a foundation for certification systems, promote international trade of uniform high-quality products and support the transfer of expertise from traditional energy systems.


country: Switzerland
city: Geneva



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   - certification organization